Every business has unique challenges they face when trying to grow and scale.

Managing cash flow, staying ahead of competition, adapting to market changes, retaining talent... It can weigh heavily on a business operator.

Every business has unique challenges they face when trying to grow and scale.

Managing cash flow, staying ahead of competition, adapting to market changes, retaining talent... It can weigh heavily on a business operator.

Having helped hundreds of operators build and grow their businesses, there are a few steps they can take to consistently understand what their next steps are!

A successful Launch is just the beginning of your business journey...

Download my guide to

to learn more.

Download my guide to

to learn more.

How to Work with Todd?


Having hosted 2 podcasts and delivered many keynotes, Todd LOVES to talk to people!

  • Leadership and Culture
  • Breaking through Revenue Plateau's
  • Nailing Product Fit
  • Messaging and Marketing Simplified



Having hosted 2 podcasts and delivered many keynotes, Todd LOVES to talk to people!

  • Leadership and Culture
  • Breaking through Revenue Plateau's
  • Nailing Product Fit
  • Messaging and Marketing Simplified


Captain Council

Join our peer advisory board and become part of a community of CEOs actively growing their business.

Although it feels like you are the only one dealing with a specific growth challenge right now... its likely one of your council members has a solution they have implemented to overcome it!

Captains Council

One Day Orbit Intensive

Experience the Power of a One-Day Orbit Intensive! Join Our Intensive Orbit and Watch as We Unearth $100,000 in Expense Savings and New Revenue Paths You've Never Explored!

My main deliverable will be a hundred thousand dollars in new revenue that you are not currently realizing in your business.

One Day Orbit Intensive

4 Ways I try to Help Business Operators

Ready to Get Started?

Join our peer advisory board and become part of a supportive community of like-minded CEOs.

Share your challenges and successes, gain valuable feedback, and find the support you need to thrive.

For many, the burden of carrying the success or failure of your organization can become overwhelming.

Don’t punish yourself into thinking you are alone.

Apply now to see if you qualify to join one of our amazing councils

Don’t punish yourself into thinking you are alone.

Todd Westra Interviews marketing Leaders and Business Owners who have made amazing breakthroughs in the quest to Scale their business

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Recent Episodes



Hi there!



I help founders and their teams build strategy to either scale and grow, or cut the fat so they can enjoy their "lifestyle" business.


Hi there!



I help founders and their teams build strategy to either scale and grow, or cut the fat so they can enjoy their "lifestyle" business.


Orbit Analysis

Moku Professional Audit

Receive a full audit of the following parts and pieces of YOUR Revenue Rocket. Whats Best? Your leadership will NOT be bogged down with endless meetings and phone calls... business as usual for you while we start collecting data!

Understand Your Orbit

Every business is in their own orbit... but many leadership teams don’t fully know that their path is unique to them.

Systems Check

Let's get things straight... Are there parts of your business you should let go of? Where does the journey end? What does the company stand for? Without knowing these foundational findings, it's nearly impossible to grow or scale.

Operational Housecleaning

Time for some housecleaning! This stage is designed to help discover wasteful spend, eliminate duplicate services and software, and find out who is really contributing to the growth of your business.

Client Profiling

Now that you have cleaned house and know your end game... Let's dig in and see what clients you like to serve best, and make sure your not losing on opportunities your competition already knows about.

Operational Repetition

Imagine having your Sales, Marketing, AND your Product teams aligned & producing exactly what your clients want to buy!?! Companies that make an effort to achieve this are the companies who are extremely profitable. We believe that companies who work through these stages in this order can get there!

Understand Your Orbit Workshops


Lorem Ipsum need a copy*

I help Businesses clarify their brand, build funnels that convert and Amplify their message to their target audience.

104 E 600 S Ste507 Heber City, Utah 84032


(+023) 2598-1056

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Todd Westra

I help Businesses clarify their brand, build funnels that convert and Amplify their message to their target audience.

Subscribe to my Newsletter for my latest updates and projects

Copyright © 2024 toddwestra.com. All Rights Reserved