Feeling like you

are getting in your

own way?

Seriously though... how long

would your Organization

last without you?

The Post Launch Plateau

Hitting a Revenue Plateau is Normalā€¦

Like launching into Orbit! It feels different.

With the right strategyā€¦ You can easily make course corrections to get to your destination

Hi There



I help founders and their teams build strategy to either scale and grow, or cut the fat so they can enjoy their "lifestyle" business.

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Todd Westra Interviews marketing Leaders and Business Owners who have made amazing breakthroughs in the quest to Scale their business.

I help Businesses clarify their brand, build funnels that convert and Amplify their message to their target audience.

104 E 600 S Ste507 Heber City, Utah 84032


(+023) 2598-1056

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Fractional CMO



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Todd Westra

I help Businesses clarify their brand, build funnels that convert and Amplify their message to their target audience.

Subscribe to my Newsletter for my latest updates and projects